Purpose: For treatment of clean or contaminated with microorganisms bases to impart resistance to bacteria and mold on old latex paint, plaster, putties, concrete, etc. before applying latex paints. Group 2 preservatives, subgroup 10 preservative for construction materials (with the exception of wood). Category of users: massively and professional. Liquid biocide product.
- High effectiveness against microorganisms, bacteria and mold.
- Registered in the Ministry of Health (MH) - Permission marketing № 1414-1 /02.11.2012/ MH
- Odourless
Application: brush, roller.
Drying at 20°C, 65% H.R: 4 hours
Dilution: with water (diluted at a ratio of concentrate/water - 1:2)
Color: colorless
Application conditions: from 5°С to 35°С. Do not mix with other similar products.
Consumption rate: 70-80 g/m2 (diluted at a ratio of concentrate/water - 1:2)
Shelf life: 24 months from the production date
Accompanying products: Borolex for wet rooms, Borolex antibacterial paint.
Storage: 5°С to 35°С.